Friday, January 13, 2012

Featured Artist: Anna

These embroideries by Anna are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen. They are extremely detailed and unique and the color palettes are so pretty! She has been kind enough to answer a few questions about her work. 

I know that you also create illustrations and work in other mediums, but I am curious to know how you learned embroidery and how long you have been working with it?

I started to learn to sew from a young age and continued through college and university. My sister always gives me good tips as she herself studied embroidery at university. Of course I have a few books in my collection that give lots of good advice and tips too.

When I look at your work I see natural forms and patterns perhaps alluding to mountains with layers of snow, wind blown desert sands, or a river carved canyon. Is there an inspirational source for your embroidery either general or specific?

I am inspired by so much that is around me like architecture, landscapes, patterns, colour. I like building up layers and creating lines and shapes. I never know how a piece of my embroidery is going to look like in the end as I don't always like to plan. Its a bit like putting a puzzle together in way. 

I recently heard that the art department at a major university in my area is phasing out its fibers program. Do you feel that handcrafted textile and fiber craft and art is becoming less important in our society?

That is sad to hear about the university. I don't think it is becoming less important in our society as there will always be a need for a bit of print and embellishments in our lives. The amount of talent I have seen over the years in all disciplines of textiles is astounding. I know from personal experience that people have said that they appreciate what has gone into each individual piece and that is encouraging thought.

 All images courtesy of Anna

You can find more about her work on her Flickr, Blog, and Etsy.

Special thanks to Anna for the interview and the photos!


  1. Thank you so much for featuring me on your wonderful blog. This is my first ever interview and so is very special to me :)

    1. No problem! It was very fun and I loved hearing your thoughts!
