Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day and Succulents

I had a great day outside, enjoying the lovely sunny weather! I walked dow to the Pike Place market to do a little mother's day shopping and was really amazed at how HUGE the market is...I never realized how maze-like it is with all the different levels and little nooks. After stopping in almost every single tiny shop, I gathered a few small things to send to my mom....I'm kind of hoping she won't read this until she gets the package. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures before I excitedly wrapped everything up.

  • heart shaped tea infuser
  • 3 bulk bags of loose leaf tea (lychee rose, sage and lemon, as well as huckleberry) made in Seattle
  • a microminiature, Russian glass, hand painted cat (don't ask me why, it was just so tiny and cute!)
  • some classic Haribo roulette gummies (which I ate before I got home-sorry mom!)
  • a key lime, lavender and bergamot soap wrapped in a lovely floral fabric scrap (this one I picked up at Anthropologie on my walk home) 

Needless to say, the package smelled really good! I hope she enjoys all the little trinkets! What did you get for you mom for mother's day? 

I also wanted to share these insanely realistic succulent cupcakes I've been spotting pictures of around the internet. There is a very detailed DIY on the Pixel Whisk Blog that explains exactly how they made them and somehow makes it look really easy. Aren't they awesome?

All photos by Pixel Whisk


  1. That soap is so pretty, I might have to go find it...but mostly I just really want to eat cupcakes right now :P

    1. The soap turned out to be awesome! My mom really liked can find them online at Anthropologie if you don't have a store in your area.
