Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cape Kiwanda and Cape Lookout

I was lucky enough to get out of Washington (a few weekends ago) for a bit and explore the Oregon coast! One of my favorite places to visit is Cape Kiwanda. There is a little trailor park with wild rabbits right next to the shore! I believe that the original family was not actually wild, but someone's unwanted pets. They have thrived at the park and continue to reproduce. Every time I go there are always lots of babies, but they are too shy to let anyone get close. 

We also took the trail to Cape Lookout. It was an amazing and easy hike through the beautiful woods. I  loved seeing all the mosses and lichens as well as spectacular view of the ocean. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Reading List

Here's a little update on what I've been reading lately. I picked these up over the past couple of weeks and so far I'm thoroughly enjoying them! Of course, I had to purchase another Any Stewart book titled, Wicked Bugs. It's just as amazing as the other two. The carnivorous plant field guide is very detailed and filled with gorgeous pictures and diagrams to identify and understand the various species. The Complete Houseplant Survival Manual has been extremely helpful! When I was flipping through it at the bookstore, I noticed that almost all of my houseplants were in it so I had to get it. Last but not least, I'm reading Gathering Moss, a history on moss. It's one of those books that doesn't initially catch the eye, but I sure am glad I picked it up and read an excerpt. After reading a couple paragraphs I was hooked and couldn't put it down. 





1. Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses by Robin Wall Kimmerer. 2003
2. A Guide to Carnivorous Plants of the World by Gordon Cheers. 1992. 
3. The Complete Houseplant Survival Manual by Barbara Pleasant. 2005
4. Wicked Bugs: The Louse That Conquered Napoleon's Army & Other Diabolical Insects by Amy Stewart. 2011.